New! REST Enabled SQL for ORDS
The Oracle REST Data Service provides REST access to your Oracle Database. Tables, predefined queries and PL/SQL blocks can be exposed as RESTful services. This is great when you can foresee what table, query or action you wish to REST enable.
Starting in ORDS 17.3 you can now POST the query, pl/sql or sql*plus statement to ORDS at run time. This new feature is call REST Enabled SQL and it is built into ORDS as standard. It allows you to define the query or statement you want to run without having to create a predefined RESTFul service.
REST Enabled SQL provides a HTTPS POST API that your HTTP client (web browser, java application, ...) can access just like other ORDS services. Just POST the SQL statement you wish to run to the REST Enabled SQL endpoint and the results will be returned in JSON.
Example Web Form
A HTML form POSTs to the REST Enabled SQL endpoint* a statement and displays the JSON result.
The endpoint is this case https://localhost:8087/ords/demo/_/sql
Try it out now! ORDS 17.3 Beta.