Inspecting a Temporary Table or Uncommitted Table rows in a Debug Session
Debugging a procedure using SQL Developer is really neat. But I ran into an issue whereby I wanted to inspect the rows of a temporary table while I was debugging a stored procedure. I was unable to browse and inspect the rows in the temporary table as the debug session is on a different session. I had to throw in some debug code into the procedure to see something useful in the debug data tab. I ended up with the little procedure below which you may find useful. Basically I query the table in question and place the result in a CLOB to view in the debug window. 1) Create this procedure in your schema --COMPILE THIS WITH DEBUG AND STEP INTO IT IF YOU WISH TO SEE RUN TIME VALUES CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE DEBUGINFO(p_tablename VARCHAR2,p_numrowstoinspect NUMBER DEFAULT 10) AS v_count INT; v_qryCtx DBMS_XMLGEN.ctxHandle; v_result CLOB; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT COUNT(*) INTO :v_count FROM '||p_tablename INTO v_count; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('tablename='||...