Offline Data Move DATEs
During the offline data move, scripts are created to use BCP to dump out your data in SQL Server or Sybase to .dat files. Other scripts are created to use Oracle SQL*Loader to load the .dat files into the Oracle tables. Your SQL Server/ Sybase database will dump out the DATETIME and SMALLDATETIME values in formats which may not be recognized by Oracle. So you have to specify what the format mask is. SQL Server / Sybase DataTypes DATETIME has millisecond precision. SMALLDATETIME has only second precision. Oracle DataTypes DATE has only second precision TIMESTAMP has millisecond precision You can specify their format mask in the migration preferences. The preferences work like this The Timestamp Mask is applied to the DATETIME Sybase or SQL Server values The Date Mask is applied to the SMALLDATIME Sybase or SQL Server values. So now the full date value is recognized by SQL*Loader. The best bit is that even if you map Sybases/ SQL Servers DATETIME to Oracles DATE (which is the def...